Welcome to
The Iroquois County
Agricultural and 4-H Club Fair
Crescent City, Illinois
July 16-21, 2024
Miss Iroquois County Fair Queen Pageant
Tuesday, July 16, 2024
7:00 p.m.
Queen - $200 & $1500 Scholarship from Pageant Committee
1st Runner-up - $50 2nd Runner-up - $25
Contestants must complete an Official Entry Blank no later than the first program practice, which stipulates the following conditions for competition.
Contestant must be an Iroquois County resident or have attended an Iroquois County school. Anyone that has been a member in an Iroquois County 4-H club for a minimum of 2 years will be eligible to compete.
Contestant must be the minimum of sixteen (16) years of age by July 1, 2024, and not have reached their twenty-second (22nd) birthday by January 1, 2024.
Contestant must be a U.S. Citizen.
Contestant must be single and never have been married or had a marriage annulled.
Contestant can never have been pregnant. Nor is she the adoptive parent of a child.
Contestant was born female and has always been female.
Contestant can never have been convicted of a felony offense.
Contestant does not use or consume any illegal controlled substances or abuse the use of alcohol or other dangerous substances.
Contestant is of good moral character. She has never performed any act or engaged in any activity or employment that is or could be characterized as immoral or indecent. She attests that any and all online depictions associated with her name and likeliness including, but not limited to Facebook and Myspace, are consistent with the standards and dignity of Miss Iroquois County.
Contestant will be judged as follows: Personal Interview 35%, Speech and Communication Skills 30%, Stage Presence (in Evening Gown) 20%, and Beauty and Physique (in Swimsuit) 15%. There is no talent performance required for this contest although the contestant will give a one-minute speech.
No Preliminary contest will be held unless deemed necessary by the Pageant committee of this contest. All contestants will be notified in case of a preliminary contest.
Contestant agrees, if chosen Queen, to participate in public relations for the Iroquois County Fair and County by appearing at other county fairs, in parades, and at other events suggested by the Pageant Directors.
Contestant, if chosen Queen, is required to attend County Fair Day at the Illinois State Fair on Thursday, August 8, 2024. She will also be required to compete at the Illinois Association of Agricultural Fairs Queen Pageant in January 2025 and must be available from the Thursday preceding the competition to the Monday morning following the contest. She will abide by the rules and regulations of the IAAF Queen Pageant and will compete with the utmost sportsmanship.
Contestant, if chosen Queen, agrees to prepare for the state competition exclusively with the Pageant Directors and/or Committee, or another person they deem fit.
Contestant must understand that by competing she is freely agreeing to the conditions set forth in the Official Entry Blank and will abide by them if named Miss Iroquois County Fair Queen 2024. If at any time she is unable to fulfill her obligations as the reigning queen, she will relinquish her title, crown, scholarship, cash award, and any prizes awarded to her. The Executive Committee of the Iroquois County Fair Association and the Pageant Directors have the right of recall should any negative circumstances occur. Any Queen recalled will be succeeded by the next eligible runner-up.
Contestants under the age of 18 must have a parent/legal guardian's written consent.
Cash Prizes – Queen $200 & $1,500 Scholarship from Pageant Committee; 1st Runner-up $50; 2nd Runner-up $25
A contestant in the Little Miss Iroquois Fair Queen Pageant must be a resident of Iroquois County.
Contestants must be a US Citizen and must be a resident of Iroquois County.
Ages 6-7. A contestant must be a minimum of 6 years of age and not have reached her 8th birthday by September 1, 2024. Maximum number of contestants will be 15.
Once a contestant has been named Little Miss Iroquois County Fair Queen, she cannot compete in said pageant again.
Contestants need to attend practices. It is mandatory to attend dress rehearsal on Monday, July 15th, 2024.
Contestants agree to appear on stage in a street length dress and answer a pop question and be able to speak into a microphone. Contestants and PARENT or GUARDIAN agree that the decision of the judges is FINAL.
Little Miss will represent Iroquois County Fair during fair week and other events that have been approved by pageant directors. Also return to crown next year’s recipient. Contestants, PARENTS or GUARDIAN agree to abide by all rules of said pageant and agree to NOT attend more events than what are scheduled for said Little Miss. This includes all rules now in effect or hereafter to be announced.
Any reports of misconduct or the inability to follow rules by new LITTLE MISS or PARENT or GUARDIAN will result in immediate dismissal of title.
Chris Schroeder - 815-383-7090 and Samantha Kidwell - 815-274-7536